This week marks a huge victory for religious freedom. I'm sure by now you know a little something about the Hobby Lobby suit against Obamacare. Just a quick break down if you do not know what is going on exactly, or if you've seen contradicting stories and are confused. Basically Obamacare requires businesses to not only pay for birth control but for two brands of the morning after pill. Hobby Lobby has no problem paying for birth control, it's the morning after pills that an issue. Because the morning after pill can be seen as abortion.
I'm not here to debate when a fetus is a fetus. That's not the point of this, although personally I believe life is at conception and do believe that morning after pills do not value the sanctity of life.
All of this is besides the point. The thing that shocked me this week was reading about the people protesting Hobby Lobby. First, I find it odd that the people who are up in arms about this ruling are not employees of Hobby Lobby. They are not being affected. Secondly, so many facts are being misconstrued. Hobby Lobby has no problem paying for birth control. They do not wait to pay for morning after pills and IUDs. Most Hobby Lobby employees are in favor of their religious beliefs. They have Sundays off for family time, and their minimum wage is over $9!
However we live in a world today that just longs to be upset about something. If the Hobby Lobby ruling would have been differently, no doubt the next day we would have been dealing with another Christian who is ruining the world by standing up for their beliefs.
Some of the protesters had some wonderful things to say on their picket signs. My favorite said "You're the boss at my job, not in my bedroom". I know that was supposed to be anti-Hobby Lobby. However I completely agree with them. Women today want to scream strength, equality, and independence. And I agree! It is your bosses job to handle things at work. But it is your job to handle things in the bedroom.
If you are independent enough to have sex and forget a condom, then you are independent enough to buy a plan-b if you are so inclined. It should not fall on your boss to make sure that you do not get pregnant if you are not ready for a baby! If you are strong enough to have casual sex with no regards to the sanctity of life, then you are strong enough to use your money at a drug store.
It is not societies job to allow women to have all of the sexual encounters they want without consequences. If a company is paying for birth control, everything extra you need is just that, extra!
Feminists have fought so hard to have "control" when it comes to sex. But Hobby Lobby is a perfect example of only wanting the illusion of control, because they are still expecting someone to pay for their life eliminating medication. If you truly want control, take it into your own hands. Do not attack a Christian corporation because they stand against it. If you are for it, don't work for Hobby Lobby. Find a company that will supply morning after pills. Or, better yet, be a truly empowered woman, take control, and handle it yourself!
The Lord has given us this life to live for His glory. I am so thankful to see large businesses standing up for what they believe is right. Setting an example for those of us who may need a little courage to stand strong to our beliefs. Hobby Lobby taught me this week that it's okay to disagree with the world. It's also okay to challenge the world, show them what i believe, and stand by it regardless of the results of that challenge. For that, I am more grateful than I realized before i started writing this! They taught me it is okay to stick to my guns and not apologize for following to path the Lord has laid out for me.
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